Indigenous Wisdom with Julia Carmen

Soul Listening: An Invitation

Episode Summary

A special message from Julia today

Episode Notes

Learn more about The School Without Walls  and the Dragonfly Guides:

Production assistance from and Daypack Digital. Artwork by Olivia Dancel. Dragonfly art by Soul Creative Design. Music is  “Ho’i Hou Mai" by Kawika Alfiche.

Episode Transcription

Please note that due to AI transcription, there may be minor spelling or grammatical errors in this transcript.

Julia Carmen (00:03):

Well, hello, beautiful beings. Julia Carmen here today with the special episode of the Indigenous Wisdom Podcast. Yay. We're sharing this episode with you in June, and I just returned from our wonderful annual signature retreat in Montana. In Montana. Oh my goodness. It was an incredible time. And so today, oh, Chi wow. I'm so excited to tell you all that. We just added another retreat to this year's calendar, and that's this October in Napa, California. This retreat is going to be all about a fall reset. We call that a break state. And today I'm here to tell you a little more about what a School Without Walls retreat is like and what exactly this means a break state. Listen in and if this sounds like what you've been looking for, sign up and reach out to learn more at our website,

So this retreat is called Soul Listening, a Fall Break Steak Retreat. We all know fall is a season to let things go and actually to prepare for Winter's rest. But what is a break state? Yeah. And how do we lean into that here at the School Without Walls? Well, actually a break state is like you're doing something, I don't know, you're working or you're doing a project and you're really into it, and then you kind of go, that's my new word of you get stuck, Mira. Yeah. You get stuck. You kind of go, well, what the hell? What the heck? Or you're doing nothing and you're like, I'm doing nothing. That's all that busy mind. All that busy mind and judging yourself and kind of going, oh my gosh, I don't know what to do yet. And we're in something, whether it's we're doing something or we're not doing something right.

So break State is basically what we do here at the School Without Walls is when we're doing some kind of energy work or some healing work or some ceremony, which we actually don't put on our website because our retreats are sacred. They're not secret. So a lot of the things that we do are in that sacred realm of being, and we do ceremony, but it is a sacred, so we don't advertise it in that respect because each person's medicine and ceremonies are very personal and they're sacred. So we go from that. You are going, oh, okay. So I call a break state. And so what I actually asked the folks to do is to go and do a walkabout, and maybe you're familiar with walkabouts and depending on where we're at, where we're going to be in Napa, beautiful place in Napa, and there's plenty of space there to go walk about and just be with nature or maybe dance, put some music on and dance and giggle and play.

Or maybe go take a nap. That's a break state. Breaking a state from the state that you've been in, whether it's a busy mind or judging yourself or paying attention too much to something or going deep with something like a ceremony. And you need that time to kind of, not even integrate, but to move from that state to another state of being. So who might benefit from a break state retreat. So basically it set here, we all know fall is a season to let things go and to prepare for winter's rest as much as we want to, no matter where we live, depending on what winter is for you or whomever's listening, there's a time anytime in a season. And so sometimes it's a challenge for humans to let go of that which is no longer part of us, and to prepare for winter's rest to have an intention.

So those of you that are looking for some kind of medicine and benefit who might benefit from a break state retreat, if you're a human immediately, everybody needs a break state. And this retreat is all about that. This time it's all about sitting and talking, story being with each other, literally talking about story about what has gone on for the year in loving kindness for self, an unconditional love of self, and then breaking that state between the fall and winter, meaning having that between the notes as you well all know, there's songs out there and people rerecord them and they rerecord them to bring into the new state of being. Amen. Okay, where are we going to be enjoying this retreat? Oh my goodness. So what I'd like to share with you folks first before I share with you the venue, the full venue of it, is that those of you that are new to the school without Walls, and if this is your first time deciding to attend one of our retreats. Yeah.

First of all, I really do look for the best place where the land, the caretakers, because the land itself is not really ours, right? It's creators and the first peoples. So sometimes you could find a property where you go, oh, no bueno. Right? Nothing on anyone. This land is and has been blessed and has had ceremony through the owners kaka. He's one of the owners of this property, and it is on two acres. It has a stream running through nice beautiful guest house on the property. It's a large home with private rooms and baths, a shared kitchen and common space, and some several smaller accommodations. Those are options. There is really cute rustic tree house that at night it just feels like you're closer to the stars. And then there's this really cute little tea house and there's this other one that actually it is when it is not in use, it's like what they call the gift store, but it has that energy of gifts of self.

So the house itself, this large beautiful home, it feels like you walked into what I think of when I am in the house, this is our third year, I feel like I've walked into a house from Hawaii. That's how they set it up because over to the side of the property, there's a halal, which is the dance studio, which we will be hanging out there during most of our time and work and ceremony and so on. We'll be meeting there. So those of you that like to do any kind of movement, whether it's yoga or hula or any type of dance or meditation, oh my gosh, the place is, they built this specifically for their halal, for their dance troop at Ika, and his partner traveled the world teaching hula. And this spot here, it really is specifically for family and friends. So I feel blessed. It's actually blessed is a great thing. But Ada, that Ika and his partner, they say, come, come. And then they're also going to be cooking the food, by the way. And yeah, they're going to prepare some food. And then I have an amazing assistant that will make sure the food is served hot and ready. And so we'll have family style, breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

So the venue itself is a great place, actually. A perfect place to take a moment to rest and escape from the busy demands of everyday life. What a great place to have a break state. Yeah. So why would you want to join us? Oh my goodness. Okay. I'm just going to get pushy here. Why wouldn't you? Yeah. Right. If you're listening to this podcast and this is something you've really have been wanting to do and hang out with us, or you've been to Napa, you know what it's all about what this venue's all about. Why would you want to join us? How about a nice break state I'm going to share with you are dragonfly, and our dragonfly is, this one is called sleeping dragonfly, resting rest in your sleep of self and lie still in your being. The awakening of you is soon to come into you. Continue the sleep of that. The how will show itself in the night of day know that how will show itself in the night of day. In order for us to hear that witch, we need to hear in that realm of the all self and the soul self of being. I love Sleepy Dragonfly and the resting,

That's a break state and the how always shows up always in that stillness and quiet. That's not Julia sharing that with you. We've all experienced that. Yeah. So why not come? Yeah. Okay. So when is this all happening? Okay. It's happening October 10th through the 13th, and that's when we're having it. We'll come together for four days, three nights, and guess what? We have an exciting option for those who want that little more time and space to book an extra night as a solo retreat extension. We'll have more info on that. If it sounds like something you'd want to do, Holly, my assistant will take care of you for sure. How do I join? Well, we have information on our website and a form you can fill out for more information. Another way to make sure your first to know about exciting events like this one is by subscribing to our newsletter. Go to our website, and sign up. I'd love to have you in our circle. Thanks for listening today and being part of our SW community. Tune in next week for another message from one of our dragonfly guides. Who knows? That might be Steepy Dragonfly. Thanks for listening.